I2P Packages for Debian and Ubuntu


This is the new official repository for the I2P project, replacing deb.i2p2.de and deb.i2p2.no which are down. For instructions, see below, and more information is on geti2p.net.

For Ubuntu, we recommend our PPA instead, and instructions are on geti2p.net.

The signing key for this repo may be downloaded here.

How To

Existing Users

To migrate from deb.i2p2.de or deb.i2p2.no to this repo, do steps 1 and 2.

1) You must manually update to the 2023-10-01 repo key!!!

Short version:

curl -o i2p-archive-keyring.gpg https://geti2p.net/_static/i2p-archive-keyring.gpg
sudo cp i2p-archive-keyring.gpg /usr/share/keyrings
sudo apt update

2) You must manually update the repo hostname!!!

To change from deb.i2p2.de or deb.i2p2.no to deb.i2p.net:

cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d
grep i2p2 *
edit the appropriate file to change from deb.i2p2.de or deb.i2p2.no to deb.i2p.net

Long version: instructions are on geti2p.net.

New Users


Please use our PPA instead. Instructions are on geti2p.net.


Instructions are on geti2p.net.



Any necessary dependency packages will be found in either Debian's repository or this one. Please report any problems with the I2P packages on the I2P Bug Tracker. Bugs for Anoncoin should be reported on its Github project page.

Repository Information

Add lines like the following to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/i2p.list.

For Debian Wheezy (EOL May 2018):

    deb https://deb.i2pgit.org/ wheezy main
    deb-src https://deb.i2pgit.org/ wheezy main

For Debian Jessie (EOL June 2020):

    deb https://deb.i2pgit.org/ jessie main
    deb-src https://deb.i2pgit.org/ jessie main

For Debian Stretch (EOL June 2022):

    deb https://deb.i2pgit.org/ stretch main
    deb-src https://deb.i2pgit.org/ stretch main

For Debian Buster (oldoldstable):

    deb https://deb.i2pgit.org/ buster main
    deb-src https://deb.i2pgit.org/ buster main

For Debian Bullseye (oldstable):

    deb https://deb.i2pgit.org/ bullseye main
    deb-src https://deb.i2pgit.org/ bullseye main

For Debian Bookworm (stable):

    deb https://deb.i2pgit.org/ bookworm main
    deb-src https://deb.i2pgit.org/ bookworm main

For Debian testing or Sid (unstable):

    deb https://deb.i2pgit.org/ unstable main
    deb-src https://deb.i2pgit.org/ unstable main

For Ubuntu Precise (LTS 12.04) (EOL):

    deb https://deb.i2pgit.org/ precise main
    deb-src https://deb.i2pgit.org/ precise main

For Ubuntu Trusty (LTS 14.04) (EOL):

    deb https://deb.i2pgit.org/ trusty main
    deb-src https://deb.i2pgit.org/ trusty main

For Ubuntu Xenial (LTS 16.04) (EOL):

    deb https://deb.i2pgit.org/ xenial main
    deb-src https://deb.i2pgit.org/ xenial main

For Ubuntu Bionic (LTS 18.04):

    deb https://deb.i2pgit.org/ bionic main
    deb-src https://deb.i2pgit.org/ bionic main

For Ubuntu Focal (LTS 20.04):

    deb https://deb.i2pgit.org/ focal main
    deb-src https://deb.i2pgit.org/ focal main

For Ubuntu Jammy (LTS 22.04):

    deb https://deb.i2pgit.org/ jammy main
    deb-src https://deb.i2pgit.org/ jammy main

For Ubuntu Noble (LTS 24.04):

    deb https://deb.i2pgit.org/ mantic main
    deb-src https://deb.i2pgit.org/ mantic main

For Ubuntu Oracular (24.10):

    deb https://deb.i2pgit.org/ oracular main
    deb-src https://deb.i2pgit.org/ oracular main

For Ubuntu Plucky (25.04):

    deb https://deb.i2pgit.org/ plucky main
    deb-src https://deb.i2pgit.org/ plucky main

Updating the package list

After adding the repo to apt, update the package list with

    sudo apt-get update

APT will likely complain about a missing key. If it does you can resolve this by running the following:

    sudo apt-get install i2p-keyring && apt-get update

Alternately, you may download the key here and then do:

    sudo apt-key add i2p-debian-repo.key.asc